Wishworks Constitution


  • WishWorks aim to promote community activity in the South East, particularly the Brighton and Hove Area.
  • We aim to educate and entertain through animated puppet theatre.
  • We aim to provide memorable, enjoyable shows and stimulating workshops encouraging creativity and promoting literacy, communication and awareness of social issues.
  • WishWorks will not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, disability, sexuality or on the basis of political, religious or other opinions.

Management Committee:

WishWorks governing body is elected from the voluntary members. All honorary officers will be members of the management committee. In addition the Annual General Meeting will elect three other committee members.The officers of WishWorks will be elected by the management committee from among their number annually at the Annual General Meeting. In the event of an officer standing down during the year a replacement will be elected by the management committee.

The current governing body (July 2004) stands as:

Sally Edwards- Chair Designate

Kate Edwards- Acting Secretary

Jim Edwards- Treasurer


Membership is free.

The management committee shall appoint additional members as deemed necessary. Membership will begin as soon as agreed by the management committee. Associate membership is open to all who support the aims of the group and participate in its activities. Such members will have no voting rights. A list of members will be maintained by the secretary of the committee. Any member not attending a meeting without apology for twelve months will be deemed to have resigned.
Members may resign at any time in writing to the secretary or verbally at a meeting.
The management committee may at any time and for good reason terminate the membership of any individual. The individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the management committee before a final decision is made.


The Annual General Meeting will be held once a year in July. All members will be notified in writing at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting. Items for the agenda must be given in writing to the Chair of the meeting no less than three days before the meeting date. The quorum for the AGM will be 10% of the membership or three members, whichever is the smaller number. The management committee will meet bi-annually between Annual General meetings at a date and time to be agreed by the committee. The secretary will, if requested by three or more members of a committee, call a special committee meeting. Such a meeting will be called within a week of the request. Notification of members may be by telephone.

Rules of procedure:

With the exception of changes to the constitution all questions that arise at any meeting will be decided by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote. If the number of votes cast on either side are equal the motion will be re-discussed and re-voted with the Chair of the meeting empowered to cast an additional vote.

Amendments to the Constitution:

Amendments to the constitution may only be made at the AGM. Proposed amendments will be distributed with the agenda for the meeting. Any proposal to amend the constitution will require a two thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote.


An account will be maintained on behalf of WishWorks at a bank agreed by the committee.
Signatories to the account will be the officers of the association. Each cheque will require two signatures. Detail of all expenditure will be kept and a financial statement discussed at the AGM


If a meeting, by unanimous agreement from the management committee, decides that it is necessary to close down WishWorks it may do so. A special meeting will be called with a least fourteen days notice to all members. The sole business of this meeting will be to dissolve WishWorks.In the unlikely event of the group's dissolution all remaining money once outstanding debts haVe been paid will be in the first instance offered as refunds to any funding group. If not required to be reimbursed these assets will be distributed to similar groups in the Brighton and Hove area. These groups will be agreed at the meeting which agrees the dissolution.